First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
We use EMAIL exclusively to connect with our potential adopters. Are you able and willing to communicate by EMAIL? If you answer no, we cannot process your application. If you answer yes, please provide us with your primary email address in the space above - the one you check regularly.
Your Employer:*
Partner's Name
Partner's Employer
Which of our rescue dogs interests you? (LPDR will determine if the dachshund you applied for is a match for you based on the dog’s requirements for adoption and your living situation. If your dog of choice is not a match, we may recommend another dog or ask you to keep checking our website. Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee that everyone who applies for a dog will get to adopt a dog.) Choose an animal: Asa (Bonded with Lady Ava) Lady Ava (Bonded with Asa) Little Jay (Bonded with Tiny) Mila2 Noah Prinz Tiny (Bonded with Little Jay)
LPDR makes a lifetime commitment to each and every dog we place. We put a tremendous amount of love and medical resources into each of our dogs to get them as healthy as possible before going to their forever families. We want them to stay that way to bring as much love for as many years as possible to their new families. Therefore, we need to make sure that we are placing our dogs in homes that believe that love and medical care directly impact the life of the dog.
Please list all current pets living in your household including name, type, breed, gender, age and weight for all dogs.*
Do you currently use heart worm preventative?
What brand/type of heart worm preventative do you use? Where do you purchase your HW preventative?*
If no, why not?
Are you currently using flea and tick prevention?
If yes, what type of flea and tick preventative are you using?*
What brand of food do you feed your current dog?
Are all of the animals in your home spayed and neutered?
If your animals are not spayed or neutered, please explain why not.
Please list previous dogs you have owned since adulthood including name, breed, age, date and reason for passing. *
Are you willing to take your dogs to your veterinarian at least once per year for a physical exam, vaccines, and heartworm testing?
Please describe any health issues (injuries, surgeries, diagnosis) your current or previous pets may have had and how each was treated?*
Are you able to make a long-term commitment to your adopted dog for their lifetime, which could be for as much as 10 to 20 years?
By submitting this application, you give permission to Little Paws Dachshund Rescue to retrieve information from your veterinarian. I UNDERSTAND THAT MY VET WILL BE CONTACTED TO PROVIDE INFORMATION ABOUT MY CURRENT AND/OR PREVIOUS PETS. If our representative is unable to reach your vet to release the information needed this will result in your application being delayed. We cannot process your application without information from your veterinarian.
Please provide the name of your vet practice with full address and phone number (including area code) for your current and previous pets (if more than one vet practice has been used, please list all).*
If you currently have dog(s) please list name(s) and personalities below (i.e., dominant, submissive, playful, aloof, etc.)*
If you own cats, have they been exposed to dogs?
If yes, how do they react?
Will this be your first time owning a dachshund?
Are you familiar with the dachshund breed? Temperament, habits, health issues? Please elaborate.*
Do you leash walk your current dogs?
If you have a dachshund, do you walk them with a collar or harness?*
Are you familiar with the dachshunds' tendency to have back problems?
Have you had a dachshund with IVDD (a back issue)?
If you answered YES, what treatment options did you utilize? Please explain in detail.
If you're not familiar with IVDD, are you aware that dachshunds may have back injuries that may make them incontinent and unable to walk? This risk is increased when the dog is allowed to jump on and off furniture, use stairs, and become overweight, and it can happen at any age.
Do you allow your current dachshund(s) to go up and down stairs?
Please list the residents living in your home including relationship and age. Please include yourself and your age.*
If you have children, please describe their previous experience with dogs and their involvement with a new dog?
If you have children or grandchildren stay with you regularly (but do not reside in your home) how have you taught them to interact with a dog?
Describe your daily routine and how a dog fits in.*
Do you work outside the home?
If yes, how many days per week? And how many hours per day?
Share with us how long the dog will be left alone in your home daily.
What are your plans for the dog when you are out of the house? Where will your dog stay? Please be specific, i.e., run of the house, a particular room, in a crate?*
Where will the dog sleep at night? Please be specific, i.e., in the big bed, in a dog bed, in a crate, in another room of the house, etc.*
If you travel, who will watch your dog when you're away?*
What would happen to your dogs if you move? Locally, out of state, out of the country?*
Have you previously applied to adopt from a rescue/shelter?
If you adopted before, please tell us the name of the rescue/shelter?
Are you currently working with another rescue or shelter to find a dog?
If yes, please list any other rescues/shelters you are working with?
Some of our rescue dogs require a quiet environment. Would you consider your home appropriate for a dog that needs calm surroundings?
Please briefly explain how you introduce visitors to your dog?*
How would you address the situation if your dog became agitated or frightened by children or a guest in your home?*
Have you ever bred a dog?
If yes, how long ago?
Have you ever surrendered a dog?
What, if anything, would cause you to surrender a dog in the future? *
Have you ever lost a pet (i.e., runaway, stolen, disappeared)?
If yes, please elaborate.
What type of home do you live in?* Choose one: Single family Condo Townhome Duplex Mobil Apartment
Do you own or rent? * Choose one: Own Rent
If you rent, please provide the name and contact information for your landlord. (Name, phone number, and email)
Are there stairs in your home?
If you have stairs, how many, and are they gated for safety?
Do you have a doggy door?
If yes, will your dog have use of the doggy door unsupervised while you're not at home?
Is your yard fenced?
If you have a fence, what type of fence is it (i.e. chain, wooden, privacy, invisible)?
How high is your fence and is it low enough to the ground so a dachshund can't crawl or dig under?
Does your fence have gates? If yes, do the gates have latches or locks? Choose one: Yes, gate with latch. Yes, gate with lock. No gates - solid fence.
If you have a fenced yard, do you supervise your dogs while in the yard?
If you have an invisible fence, will your adopted dog use the invisible fence?
Do you allow your dog(s) off leash when they are not within a fenced area?
Do you have an inground pool?
Any additional comments or things we should know?
Personal (non-family) Reference #1: Name and Email Address*
Personal (non-family) Reference #2: Name and Email Address*
Personal (non-family) Reference #3: Name and Email Address*
In the case you are unable to care for your dog, who will be responsible for taking the dogs and contacting Little Paws? Name, phone, relationship.*
How did you find our rescue? If you learned about us from a LPDR adopter or supporter, please share their name so we can thank them?
Please check each box below (yes or no is required to process your application).
Our contract with our adopters specifies that the dog will be returned to Little Paws Dachshund Rescue if you no longer can take care of the dog for any reason. Will you agree to this requirement?
Dogs adopted from LPDR are "non-transferrable". This means your new dog must stay in your personal possession. You agree to not give it away, abandon, sell or dispose of your adopted dog in any way. This includes giving it to family members or friends.
I consent to a background check.
I understand that a home visit is part of the screening process required before final placement. I am willing to have a LPDR volunteer visit my home in person or via virtual visit* with all persons in the home present for the visit.
I understand that a home visit does not guarantee placement.
I am willing and able to accept all financial responsibility for the expenses associated with caring for a dog after adoption. This includes but is not limited to preventative healthcare, including annual check-ups, vaccinations, heartworm prevention, and flea and tick prevention. It includes emergency medical care in the event of injury at any time in the dog's life, in addition to the cost of regular care and feeding (food, supplies, medications, equipment, toys, training, and pet sitting and boarding).
I acknowledge this application becomes part of my contract.
*For a virtual home visit using your cellphone do you have access to: Zoom? Google Duo? Facetime? WhatsApp? Facebook Video Chat?
If yes, which one?