Oscar is a funny and sweet boy. He’s 14 years old, 18 lb and he’s bonded to his sister, Duchess. He likes to be outdoors, roam the yard, and dig holes if you let him. There’s nothing he loves more than attention from his people and napping. He’s looking for a loving lap to lay on since his previous owner sadly had to go into care.
Oscar is house trained when kept on a schedule, and will use a pee pad. He is untested in a crate. He would love a home with a fenced yard because he loves to spend time wandering around outside. Neither he nor Duchess are escape artists, but they do need monitoring off the leash in case they get distracted. They love to be with their people and they are great on walks and only pull a little. Oscar does vocalize and has a louder bark than Duchess. This dynamic duo are used to a home with people around a lot of the time, so that’s what they are looking for.
Pets & People
Oscar is very amicable with people, and only a little grumpy with other dogs if they get near his food. He loves to get pets from everyone, take Duchess’ lead on adventures and hang out.
Oscar’s tongue hangs out because he has no teeth. It’s incredibly cute and doesn’t cause him any issues eating Kibble
Oscar is available for adoption from Gastonia, NC. He’s good in the car so location shouldn’t limit your application. Please email Lauren.skufca@gmail.com with any questions or complete an adoption application at the button above. The adoption fee for Oscar is $250.
More about Oscar16 (Bonded with Duchess3)
Good with Dogs, Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Good with Adults, Good for Seniors/Elderly, Somewhat vocal, Does Good in the Car, Does not require a yard, Leashtrained, Likes to be in your lap, Apartment OK, Obedient, Affectionate, Gentle, Goofy, Needs a companion animal
Other Pictures of Oscar16 (Bonded with Duchess3) (click to see larger version):