Hi! My name is Lulu! I was left at a shelter because my owner was unable to care for me. I can’t thank the folks from Little Paws enough for getting me out of the shelter because shelters are scary. A lot has happened since I arrived at my foster home. To begin with….I have foster brothers and sisters so I have learned to share. To tell you the truth I would rather not have to share. I guess what I am saying is I would be fine being an only dog. I am house trained and crate trained and really love exploring my foster mom’s fenced backyard. When I sleep I dream of a quiet retirement home without kids, a fenced backyard, my very own doggie bed and yummy treats.
Note: Lulu must be adopted within 100 miles of her foster home in Gaithersburg, MD so her adopter can meet her.
If you want to know more about me please contact my foster mom Saundra at saundramag@aol.com